Especially the store ones,” Rao told Rest of Word, over Twitter direct messages. “I don’t remember giving explicit permission to most of these businesses. Verified handles, bearing green check marks, from businesses such as shopping app Flipkart, retail chain Croma, delivery app Zepto, fashion store Lifestyle, insurance provider BankBazaar, and others are flooding her personal WhatsApp chats. Rao told Rest of World that she first began noticing business outreach messages on WhatsApp at the end of 2021, but, in the past six months, it has become incessant. That day, the first 10 messages on her WhatsApp were all boilerplate outreach from corporations, promoting products, deals, and discount coupons.
Now it’s WhatsApp - can’t escape the spam,” Rao tweeted, expressing frustration about her favorite messaging app turning into a spam box. On July 18, Aishwarya Rao, a long-time WhatsApp user, was at her wit’s end when she decided to take to Twitter.